Superannuation is the money set aside for your retirement. Since 1 July 2013, Australia and New Zealand have had reciprocal transfer schemes for superannuation funds between the two countries – referred to as the ‘Trans-Tasman retirement savings portability scheme. This allows for less hassle when you move within the Trans-Tasman bubble. However,...
Read MoreWhen will an overseas pension fund not be considered a ‘foreign superannuation fund’ under Australian law? The two big issues are generally whether the overseas fund is subject to ‘a condition of release’ - to wait until pension age (like in our super regime) and whether the offshore funds are held on ‘trust’ for the investor.
Read MoreWhen setting up a new company that is part of a group, you need to consider how the company will be funded. Setting up a company overseas creates further complications and considerations. To prevent multinational enterprises from shifting profits from Australia (or vice versa), thin capitalisation rules were introduced. The way an entity is capital...
Read MoreCOVID-19 and central control and management residency test for companies Determining a company’s residency depends on a combination of where it was incorporated or where it is centrally managed or controlled and where the voting power of its shares is controlled. For non-residents of Australia with a company incorporated overseas, COVID-19 could po...
Read MoreSuperannuation is the money set aside for your retirement. When you move countries, it is important to understand what happens to your superannuation. In Australia, superannuation amounts from foreign super funds may be accepted to either a complying Australian super fund or you personally – however there are traps along the
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