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Tax Governance and Internal Control Systems

Increasingly, revenue agencies like the tax office are concentrating on private and public group tax governance as part of their risk assessment of such groups — which can mean more or fewer reviews or audits.

In Australia, the ATO requires businesses to develop and enact tax governance and risk management policies and procedures. These frameworks must undergo regular reviews to ensure they adhere to all legal taxation requirements.

Need Help With Tax Risk Management and Governance in Australia? We Can Help

At Tax Controversy Partners, our tax specialists can help companies set up, manage, and operate better tax and superannuation governance and internal control systems. Our experts will work with you to ensure you are managing these risks more effectively, helping you reassure revenue agencies of your compliance. Our services include helping clients:

  • Develop a framework that adheres to their business model and objectives
  • Mitigate potential tax risks
  • Understand and address ATO protocols
  • Identify and manage risks
  • Keep records effectively
  • Review and strengthen current strategies
  • Stay informed of any legal changes
  • Understand tax thresholds
  • Draft and submit accurate reporting
  • Lodge their taxes on time
Bruce Collins, Tax Risk Management Expert

To learn more about how Tax Controversy Partners can assist you with all your tax governance needs, reach out to us via our contact page.